Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Atsuta Shrine (熱田神宮)

Atsuta Shrine, located in Nagoya City (名古屋市), Aichi Prefecture (愛知県), Japan, is one of the most important shrines in the country. It is accessible from 3 stations, namely JR Atsuta station (熱田駅) of the JR lines (JR線), Jingu-mae station (神宮前駅) of the Meitetsu-Nagoya line (名鉄名古屋本線), and Jingu-nishi station (神宮西駅) of the Meijo subway (名城線). It's still a 10-minute walk from Jingu-nishi station (where I got off) to the west gate, but the sights made the walk interesting.

Just along the sidewalk is a marker for the birth place of a famous Japanese named Minamoto Yoritomo, related to one of the head priests of Atsuta Shrine in the Heain period. Minamoto Yoritomo was the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate.

I had a good view of Atsuta Shrine's west gate from where I crossed the street. It was getting late in the afternoon and I didn't know until what time the whole shrine is open to the public, so I just made a quick tour around and didn't know if I covered the entire place (I think not). Though I wanted to take more pictures, people were starting to get out, so I just went with the flow.

You can check Atsuta Shrine's official website here.

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